The truth is that your faith moves God to save you (Romans 10:9 – 13, Ephesians 2:8) and in your salvation comes your healing. "But when you are healed, rest entirely on what the sovereign purposes of the healer are!

Standing fast in faith, trusting Jesus, does guarantee you will be healed eternally whether or not your healed physically now.

Confessing your belief and claiming your healing is neither a requisite measure of your great faith nor a mechanism to obligate God to deliver on it.

Simple prayers by simple people can be as effective as elaborate prayers by special people who are quoting Scripture or speaking in tongues. It is the sincerity, vulnerability and conviction of all these prayers that matters to God not the eloquence of the words or the credentials of those praying or the invocation of a mystical spell or the theater of a magical incantation.

Prayer opens the door for healing and faith helps us to receive and recognize it.

While sin may hinder healing, God never punishes us by not healing. Rather he is always ready to forgive and heal.

Healing may flow through the laying on of hands, but a person's touch never heals; God does that.

So how do we recruit God into our healing?

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